The St Dominic’s Catholic College App is available for mobile devices from either the Google Play Store or the App Store. It is published by Nelnet.
Apart from the buttons shown at right, once you log into the App you will get access to more information specifically relevant to you. When logging into the App, use your St Doms Portal username and password.
School Info
See term dates for the year and also our annual Theme.
View teaching staff and email direct from the app
Upcoming Events
Brief notices of upcoming events. For full details on these events, see Portal Calendar or Website.
Direct link to Careers, E-Library, School Facebook and Website pages.
View St Dominic's Catholic College location on Google Maps and also a map of the school.
School contact details and Send us a message
Login / Sign out
Login to the St Doms App using your Spider username and password. This will give you access to My Portal with information relevant to your daughter.
My Portal
My Kids
Basic enrolment details of your daughter/s as well as subject information.
View your daughter's attendance status for the year. At the bottom of this, you can create a new absence notification if your daughter is going to be absent from school.
This shows your daughter's classes for the day. You can also directly email the subject teacher.
Student Documents
Download and view progress reports and term reports.
Message sent by school specifically for you. You can also send messages to the school using this.
A brief excerpt of the current school newsletter and link to download the latest and past newsletters on our website.