Our Learning


St-Dominics-College-19-Classroom-Block-Education-Property-Award-4a-816-996 St Dominic’s Catholic College offers a holistic curriculum which ensures that there is opportunity for students to develop their academic, spiritual, cultural, and physical potential based on Te Whare Tapa Whā. All students are supported to strive for personal excellence in all dimensions. Our students consistently achieve a high level of success in National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) assessments. Students leave the College and go on to continued learning at tertiary level, apprenticeships, or gainful employment.

Our commitment to achievement is demonstrated through a broad curriculum at all levels, learning support and English Language, learning enrichment opportunities and a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that support learning. An education at St Dominic’s encourages growth of personal responsibility and an appreciation of culture, the arts, and the place of science and technology in our world.

Celebrating your daughter's achievement is what we like to do best at St Dominic’s Catholic College.  We encourage your daughter to foster her talents while striving to make a difference with her talent and skills. 

Our vision is to develop confident young women to contribute positively to society and live through the values of the Catholic Dominican tradition.
New Student Checklist-446

Classroom Curriculum
Academic coaching-521
Outside The Classroom
DoE river crossing-265

Rugby leage-397
netball action-309
dragonboating 1-938
Football 2-463-742
Football huddle-764-334
Engage, Excel, Enjoy is the mission statement of the St Dominic’s Catholic College Sports Department. 
With this, there is an emphasis on participation, growth and positivity, and being able to provide enriching
experiences for all students through sport during their time at the college.      

Find Out More >
A wide range of sporting, arts and cultural opportunities are provided for all our students from netball, soccer and hockey
to dance and drama clubs and cultural performance groups.

careers expo1 words

Gateway pic 3 words
  • NCEA Results 2024

    NCEA Pass Rates
    St Dominic's
    Level 2 91% 73%
    Level 3 96% 68%
    UE 89% 49%
  • NCEA Results 2024

    NCEA Merit or Excellence Endorsements
    Level 2 64%
    Level 3 41%


    Over 99% of St Dominic's school leavers
    gained at least Level 2 NCEA in 2024

Contact Us


8am - 4pm


+64 9 839 0380
