Janey Abercromby | Art | jabercromby@stdoms.ac.nz |
Frances Ah Ken
Director of Mission & Identity, Religious Education
Robynne Andrews
HoD Guidance
Siobhan Augustin | Economics, Mathematics | saugustin@stdoms.ac.nz |
Emily Baigent | Acting HoD Social Sciences, TIC Literacy, Art History, History, Social Studies |
ebaigent@stdoms.ac.nz |
Joan Baino | Religious Education | jbaino@stdoms.ac.nz |
Pushpa Bandi | Chemistry, Science | pbandi@stdoms.ac.nz |
Greta Barnett
Technology, Food Technology
Vania Caldas | Chemistry, Mathematics, Science | vcaldas@stdoms.ac.nz |
Greta Campbell | English | gcampbell@stdoms.ac.nz |
Priya Corray
Physics, Science
Alice Davidson | Social Studies, Tourism | adavidson@stdoms.ac.nz |
Anna Evans | English | |
Carolyn Evans | History, Social Studies | cevans@stdoms.ac.nz |
Alison Ferguson
Dorothy Fernandez | HoD English | dfernandez@stdoms.ac.nz |
Gay Foley
Dean, Director of International Students
Laura Friend
Deputy Principal, Biology
Kate Gatland | Assistant HoD Science, Dean, Biology, Physics, Science | kgatland@stdoms.ac.nz |
Ally Glen | Careers, Gateway | aglen@stdoms.ac.nz |
Robin Glenn | HoD Learning Support, Learning Support Co-ordinator | rglenn@stdoms.ac.nz |
Glennis Hahn | HoD Technology, Coding, Digital Tech, Textiles Tech | ghahn@stdoms.ac.nz |
Batiri Hughes | Biology, Science | bhughes@stdoms.ac.nz |
Karino Ito
Hera Jacobs | Dean, Te Reo Maori, Religious Education | sjacobs@stdoms.ac.nz |
Phillip Jellyman
Deputy Principal, Economics
Helen Johnson | Religious Education | hjohnson@stdoms.ac.nz |
Margaret Karanga
HoD Art | mkaranga@stdoms.ac.nz |
Claire Kenny | Assistant HoD English | ckenny@stdoms.ac.nz |
Donna Lambert | HoD Drama, Social Studies | dlambert@stdoms.ac.nz |
Hannah Lasenby | HoD Sports, Physical Education and Health | hlasenby@stdoms.ac.nz |
Mary Leiataua |
Physical Education and Health
Celia Liu | HoD Music | cliu@stdoms.ac.nz |
Rowena Marshall
HoD Junior Maths, Calculus, Statistics
Natasha Masters | English | nmasters@stdoms.ac.nz |
Sienna Melki | Classics, Social Studies | smelki@stdoms.ac.nz |
Molly Nelson
Music, Te Reo Maori
Sherry Ng Lam | Religious Education | snglam@stdoms.ac.nz |
Diana Ozich | Mathematics | dozich@stdoms.ac.nz |
Michelle Panh | Mathematics, Statistics | mpanh@stdoms.ac.nz |
Nerissa Patolo | Dean, Social Studies | npatolo@stdoms.ac.nz |
Rachel Phillips | Dean, TIC Houses, Physical Education and Health | rphillips@stdoms.ac.nz |
Lydia Rasmussen | HoD Dance | lrasmussen@stdoms.ac.nz |
Anne Roach | HoD Outdoor Pursuits, Geography, Social Studies | aroach@stdoms.ac.nz |
Sandra Rutherford
HoD Mathematics, Principal's Nominee, Statistics
Hayley Schischka | Dean, HoD Social Sciences | hschischka@stdoms.ac.nz |
Azba Shaiyad
Accounting & Economics, Technology
Linda Shearer | English | lshearer@stdoms.ac.nz |
Tanisha Skeen | Learning Support Co-ordinator, Literacy | tskeen@stdoms.ac.nz |
Jodi Smith
Sports Co-ordinator
Paige Son | Mathematics | pson@stdoms.ac.nz |
Barbara Stepanicic | HoD Religious Education | bstepanicic@stdoms.ac.nz |
Anna Swann | Principal, Literacy | principal@stdoms.ac.nz |
Dani Taylor | HoD Languages, French | dtaylor@stdoms.ac.nz |
Gillian Taylor
HoD Science, Biology, Applied Science
Erolini Toua | English Language | etoua@stdoms.ac.nz |
Samantha Townsley
HoD Physical Education and Health, Outdoor Education
Caitlin van Hoffen | Careers, Pathways | cvanhoffen@stdoms.ac.nz |
Samira Wallizada | Science | swallizada@stdoms.ac.nz |