A fabulous day was had by all at our school Athletics Day at Trusts Stadium. Everyone ran, shot, and jumped their hearts out and had a great day.
Our House Leaders and Year 13 students had prepared their houses well with new and exciting chants and dances to encourage their athletes.
Thanks to Mrs Leiataua, Mrs Smith, the Sports and PE departments, and all those who put in so much effort in the planning and preparation. A hugely successful day!
Congratulations to all the winners, and well done to everyone who ‘gave it a go’.
‘Walk the Track’ for the DRC
On the day of our Athletics Day, a march was held in Auckland City to bring awareness to the humanitarian crisis occurring right now in The Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Congolese communities from across New Zealand, gathered together to speak out about the escalation of violence that has led to life-threatening conditions, leaving millions without access to adequate shelter, food, sanitation, or health care.
Our Dominican family continues to stand with our Congolese brothers and sisters, keeping their message alive, pleading for world leaders to act, and praying for an end to this crisis.
In solidarity, all staff and students ‘walked the track’ for our Congolese whānau.