Enrolment applications for 2026 will be accepted from Thursday 20th March until Friday 11th April 2025. Please contact Tina Allingham should you require further information - principalspa@stdoms.ac.nz
St Dominic's College accepts domestic and international enrolment applications for students starting in Year 7 through to Year 13.
Applicants whose parents have an established religious connection with the Catholic character of the College will be given a preference place for enrolment.
Non-preference applicants will be placed on a waiting list and processed as vacancies become available. A maximum of 5% of the total school roll is reserved for non-preference enrolments. Refer to our Non-Preference Criteria for more information.
International students please use the international enrolment form - click here.
Domestic students simply follow the enrolment process below.
STEP 1: Please have digital copies of the following documents ready before starting the online enrolment application:
Student's Birth Certificate or Passport
Permanent Residency Permit or Student Visa (if applicable, i.e. student does not have NZ Birth Certificate, NZ Passport, or NZ Citizenship Certificate)
STEP 3:Once your application has been checked, you will be contacted to arrange for an interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. After the interview, offers of place will be sent out to successful applicants.